Major Demographic Characteristics

Iceland 's standard of living is among the highest in the world today.  It's wealth was previously due to its fishing industry.  Today, the Icelandic economy has evolved.  The 2008 economic crush had a harsh impact on Iceland's economy.  However even before this Iceland was in a huge amount of debt. (BBC World News)

Iceland's population is 308 910, as of July 2010.  The general life expectancy is 80.3, for females it is 83, and for male's it is 78.63.  The birth rate is 13.36 births per 1000 people, and the death rate is 6.9 deaths per 1000 people.  (Index Mundi).

Iceland is well known for its 99.9% literacy rate.  This is because education is compulsory for all Icelandic people aged 6 to 17.  Iceland's best-known literary accomplishment is the Sagas, which is based on the life of Icelandic and Nordic histories and genealogies.  The Sagas present the views of Nordic life and times until 1000 AD. 

The Stage of Demographic Transition is 4, meaning a low death and birth rate.  Iceland currently has a low death rate and slowly declining birth rate.  There is a steady population without much change because the birth and death rate are still low.  The population pyramid of 2050 also shows a declining birth rate, which could essentially lead to Stage 5.